Policy of Misconduct

Duplicate Submission

Manuscripts submitted to Global Scientific Publishers should:

1) Not published before

2) Not submitted elsewhere at the same time

Authors must inform the editor in their cover letter if part of the manuscript has been published or will be published elsewhere. If duplicate submissions are discovered during the peer review process, the manuscript may be rejected. If discovered after publication, the manuscript may be withdrawn.


Authors are advised to adhere to high standards of publication ethics. Plagiarism is a strictly unacceptable behavior in journals published by Global Scientific Research Publisher and includes the duplication of an author's work without proper citation.

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Falsification and Fabrication

Fabrication involves fabricating data and results without actually conducting any research work. Faking involves manipulating data or analysis to match a desired outcome. Fabrication and falsification are inappropriate behaviors that may result in unscientific records that do not reflect scientific truth. Fabrication and fraud are serious acts of academic fraud, which may have a negative impact on the author's affiliation, funding organization, and employer. Global scientific research publishers will not hesitate to reject manuscripts suspected of academic fraud.