About the Journal

Journal of Environmental Science and Economics is an open access peer-reviewed journal that considers articles and reviews articles on all aspects of environmental economics.

Country: United States

ISSN: 2832-6032

Frequency: Quarterly 

Access: Open

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Call for Special Issue proposals and guidelines for Guest Editors



Special issues are an important part of information visualization. They deal with current professional topics of high interest which fall within the scope of the journal. They should be organized by recognized experts in the field and attract articles of the highest quality. Special issue proposals are welcome at any time of the year and should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief (email can be found on the journal website).

Read more about Call for Special Issue proposals and guidelines for Guest Editors

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024)
View All Issues


Journal of environmental science and economics (JESCAE), ISSN: 2832-6032 is an open access peer-reviewed journal that considers articles and reviews articles on all aspects of environmental economics.

Aim and Scope
Journal of Environmental Science and Economics is an international scholarly refereed research journal that aims to promote the theory and practice of environmental economics, Sustainability research, technological innovations, and economics. A broad outline of the journal's scope includes; peer-reviewed original research articles, case, and technical reports, reviews and analyses papers, short communications and notes to the editor, in interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in environmental science, sustainability, technological innovations, and economics.

The main aspects of research areas include, but are not limited to;

  • Environmental pollution control and abatement technology
  • Sustainable and economic Development
  • Sustainable consumption and Sustainability
  • Environmental and sustainability assessment
  • Transport and fate of pollutants in the environment
  • Atmospheric pollutants and trace gases
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Industrial ecology
  • Ecological and human risk assessment
  • Concentrations and dispersion of wastes in air, water, and non-point sources pollution
  • Improved energy management and auditing efficiency and environmental standards and criteria

Article types

Journal of Environmental Science and Economics publishes:

  • Full papers
  • Reviews
  • Minireviews

Journal Basics information

  • Serial type: Journal
  • Format: Electronic version
  • ISSN:  2832-6032 (Online)
  • Format: Electronic version
  • Peer Review: Double-blind-peer review
  • Website:  https://www.jescae.com/index.php/jescae/about
  • Editor: Professor Dr. Hayat Khan (Editor-in-Chief)
  • Frequency: Quarterly (Every three months in March, June, September, December).
  • Content type: Academic/Scholarly
  • Language: English
  • Status: Active
  • Publisher:  Global Scientific Research